1:27 PM
What does it mean to see Hanged in a dream?

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Seeing that you are hanged in the dream is considered a sign that you will see help and benefit from great people. Seeing himself hanged or someone hanged in his dream is interpreted with good and is interpreted for good. It is a sign of good. If a person sees that he dies by hanging in his dream, it is a sign that he will rise and progress and reach the reign. If a person on a sea voyage sees that he is hanged in his dream, this dream is interpreted with good for the dreamer. Kirmani's Interpretation If a person sees in his dream that the head of state orders him to be hanged, this dream is interpreted as a sign that he will see a great benefit from the head of state. To see a community hanging him in his dream is a sign that he will be the head of that community. Commentary by Abu Saidil' Vaiz' Seeing him hanged in his dream can occur in three ways: To see that he was hanged while he was alive, to see that he was hanged as dead, to see that he was hanged by being killed, the dream can manifest in the form of a dream. To see that he was hanged in his dream while he was alive, while he was alive, is interpreted as a sign that he will gain glory and honour. To see that he was hanged in his dream while he was dead, it indicates that he will live in honour and greatness in the world life. Seeing that he was hanged by being killed in his dream is interpreted as a sign that he will have a false fame (reputation). According to some interpretations, seeing him hanged in his dream is a sign of poverty for a rich person. For a poor person, it is a sign of wealth. In other words, it indicates that the situation will change. According to some commentators, to see that he was hanged in the dream, glory, honour and great fame, great fame is a sign of having a great reputation. Hanging in the dream signifies the glory of the person and the blessings and a high officialdom. If a person who is qualified for governorship sees that he is hanged in a dream, it is a sign that he will become a governor. Hanging in the dream signifies rulership for the people of knowledge. To see that he is executed in a city in a dream, it signifies the chieftaincy that he will reach in proportion to the honour of the city where he is executed. To see a poor person hanged in a dream signifies good and the revelation of hidden things and wealth. If a rich person sees that he is hanged in a dream, it is a sign of evil, evil and the deterioration of his affairs and poverty. If a single man sees that he is executed in a dream, it is a sign that he will marry. If a person travelling on a ferry on the sea sees that he is hanged in a dream, it means good for the dream owner. To see yourself hanged on a narrow tree is a sign of height.

Tags: Dream symbolism, hanged in dream, Dream meaning, Dream interpretation, Power, Transformation, Honor
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