Dreaming about an infection suggests you're harboring detrimental thoughts or beliefs that are affecting your wellbeing. For added insight, take note of where in the body the infection occurs in the dream, as it might hold specific symbolic relevance.

Category: I | | Views: 49 |

When you dream about being infertile, it often indicates a creative blockage or that something in your day-to-day life isn't going as planned. This dream can also mirror real-life struggles with fertility, echoing the emotional toll of trying to conceive.

Category: I | | Views: 48 |

Encountering an infestation in your dream is a stark warning that you've been neglecting problems that have now magnified. What began as small nuisances have escalated into significant issues. Alternatively, such a dream might suggest a violation of your personal space, as if someone or something has encroached upon your privacy.

Category: I | | Views: 46 |

Dreaming about unfaithfulness, whether you're the one straying or it's your partner, often signals emotional disconnect or feelings of neglect within your relationship. This could also hint at your own emotional limitations, pointing to a need for a healthier emotional space. On a different note, such a dream might also indicate discontentment in your romantic life, either stemming from guilt over an affair or a desire for more passion.


**For Further Analysis You Can Also Read Common Dreams: Cheating Dreams.

Category: I | | Views: 61 |

Encountering the infinity symbol in your dreamscape points to concepts of eternal existence and the passage of time. It could also be a nod to material prosperity, or even relate to the numerical value of 8.

Category: I | | Views: 44 |

Dreaming about an airbed suggests you're in a transient circumstance or connection, something that isn't intended to last. If you see yourself filling an air mattress, it could signify you're investing too much emotional energy in a relationship that's not reciprocal. And should you inflate that mattress effortlessly in a single exhale? That's a sign you might be biting off more than you can chew, ambition-wise.

Category: I | | Views: 42 |

Dreaming of inflating an object is a multifaceted symbol, acting as a conduit for various aspects of your life. On one hand, it could stand for intellectual growth, heightened awareness, or even a connection to a higher wisdom. On the flip side, if you see your own body inflating in the dream, it could be a cautionary signal about an inflated ego or overestimation of self-worth.

Category: I | | Views: 44 |

Encountering an information booth in your dream is your subconscious telling you it's time for guidance and clarity. Whether you're at a crossroads or simply feeling lost, this symbol suggests that you're actively seeking to make informed choices. On another layer, the information booth could be an embodiment of inner wisdom or messages that your subconscious is eager to share.

Category: I | | Views: 55 |

Dreaming about infringement is quite a unique subject matter and may lean more towards the literal than the symbolic. In the context of copyright, it could be a wake-up call from your subconscious, cautioning you to respect intellectual property in your waking life. This isn't a conventional dream symbol, but rather could be indicative of real-world concerns making their way into your dream realm.

Category: I | | Views: 48 |

When you dream of inhaling, think of it as a sign that you're in a phase of manifesting your desires. Your subconscious is highlighting the concept of 'taking in' what you wish for, almost as if you're breathing in the essence of your ambitions or dreams.

Category: I | | Views: 50 |

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