Seeing an asteroid in your dream conveys a spiritual message from the higher realms. Enlightenment and new knowledge are on the horizon. Alternatively, it reflects a flurry of creative ideas and thoughts. If the asteroid collides with the earth, it suggests that your idealistic beliefs are facing deterioration or being shattered.

Category: A | | Views: 112 |

Dreaming of asters signifies your aspirations, desires, and dreams.

Category: A | | Views: 86 |

Dreaming of having asthma when you don't experience it in reality reflects feelings of insecurity and emotional instability. Stress and tension may be prevalent in your surroundings. Alternatively, the dream advises taking moments to breathe deeply amidst your challenges. If you do have asthma, the dream could reveal concerns and fears related to your waking condition.

Category: A | | Views: 62 |

Dreaming of astral projection signifies a fresh viewpoint on things. You might feel liberated and free. On the other hand, it could imply a physical or emotional detachment from those around you.

Category: A | | Views: 54 |

Dreaming about astrology indicates your worries about the future and a desire for reassurance. Your dream's astrological forecast holds a meaningful message that should be carefully examined, as it's connected to your waking life.

Category: A | | Views: 45 |

Dreaming of being an astronaut suggests your journey toward heightened awareness and consciousness. You're using your knowledge effectively. Alternatively, the astronaut symbolizes ambition, as you aspire for greatness. It might also reflect communication challenges you're facing.

Category: A | | Views: 60 |

Dreaming of being an astronomer suggests that you will gradually but steadily accomplish your goals. You approach life's challenges and issues with methodical care and precision.

Category: A | | Views: 51 |

Dreaming of encountering an aswang signifies feelings of vulnerability and distrust towards others. You might be uncertain about distinguishing between friends and foes.

Dreaming that you are an aswang suggests that you're resorting to deceitful and unethical methods to achieve your goals. You might be exploiting those who are innocent and susceptible.

Category: A | | Views: 50 |

Dreaming of being at an asylum indicates overwhelming mental stress, and you're seeking help or support. The dream signifies your recognition of your need for assistance.

Category: A | | Views: 53 |

Dreaming that you are an athlete indicates that you've pushed your boundaries and accomplished what seemed impossible. However, take care not to overexert yourself.

Seeing a famous athlete in your dream suggests a larger-than-life attitude. Consider the significance of the athlete's sport. Famous athletes embody modern hero archetypes, symbolizing champion qualities, courage, and self-sacrifice.

Category: A | | Views: 56 |

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